10 Hair Care Tips for Beautiful and Healthy Hair
This post is about 10 Easy Hair Care Tips that help you have Beautiful and Healthy Hair. We’ll discuss everything from hair washing frequency, to hair care products, hair dyes, hair brushes, pillowcases, to the way you dry and style your hair. Beautiful and healthy hair requires having the right knowledge and putting in the work. These hair care tips are real game changers.
1. Don’t wash your hair daily.
Washing your hair with a shampoo daily is one of the most damaging things you can do for your hair. You’re exposing yourself to moisture (which is bad for hair), removing protective oils, and increasing the risk of hair breakage. Try washing your hair with a shampoo every 2-3 days.
2. Swap your old cotton towel for a microfiber hair towel.
Wet hair is extremely weak and prone to damage. When drying your hair with a regular cotton towel, it tends to strip too much moisture from your hair. It makes your hair dry and frizzy. Microfiber towels, on the other hand, are much softer and gentler to your hair.
3. Be gentler when drying your hair.
This links to the previous point. Most people tend to overdue when drying their hair with a towel. Excessive hair rubbing against your towel increases hair frizz and breakage. Be as gentle as you can, and get rid of that old rough cotton towel.
4. Stop entirely or reduce the use of hair dryer.
As you probably already know, excessive heat damages your hair. There’s nothing worse than using the hottest air setting for drying your hair daily. Each time before taking a hair dryer, ask yourself if you really need to use it, or perhaps you could let it dry naturally instead. Maybe you shouldn’t leave washing your hair until the last moment before going to work?
5. Use warm but not hot water when washing your hair.
Again, this comes back to heat. Your hair doesn’t like to be air fried or boiled! Hot water removes natural protective oils from your hair. We wash our hair to remove the greasiness from our hair, but removing too much is not good. Fat plays a crucial role in hair protection, strength and shine.
6. Use a hair conditioner each time you wash your hair.
It helps to hydrate, nourish, and protect your hair from damage. Also, it makes it less likely to get hair tangles.
7. Use a high-quality hair mask 1-2 times a week.
One of the best hair mask brands is Amika the Kure. It truly works for dry and damaged hair. A hair conditioner helps you manage your hair. It provides conditioning. While hair masks provide deeper hydration, nourishment and repair. You should use both for best results. And don’t forget a high-quality nourishing hair oil!
8. Stop dying your hair, or reduce how often you do it.
Hair dying is another hair damaging procedure that most women do. Hair dyes are full of toxic chemicals that not only damage your hair, but also release these toxic chemicals into your skin. Sometimes, we simply don’t like how we look with our natural hair colour, or want to hide grey hair.
There’s actually a new movement called “Silver Sisters”. It’s all about transitioning to grey hair and being supportive to others. We personally think grey hair is beautiful. And for those who choose to continue using hair dyes, try to look for healthier formulas, without bleach or ammonia.
9. Swap your cotton or polyester pillowcase for a silk pillowcase.
Same as cotton towels, cotton pillowcases tend to strip away too much moisture and oils from your hair. In addition, it increases hair to pillow friction that results in bed head, hair frizz, and hair breakage.
Silk pillowcases, on the other hand, help your hair to keep essential moisture and oils. Silk is so soft that your hair gently glides on top of your pillow, minimising the friction. Silk pillowcases reduce bed head, hair frizz, and hair breakage. Make sure you choose only high quality 100% Mulberry silk, like used in our Silk pillowcases.
10. Swap your regular hair brush for a boar bristle hair brush.
A boar bristle brush is made of nylon and boar bristles. Boar bristle brush helps you to spread natural hair oils more evenly. In addition, it helps you to detangle and condition the hair better.
It is very gentle to your hair which helps to minimise hair breakage. Also, be gentler with your hair while brushing, especially while it’s still wet. A big proportion of hair breakages occur when brushing your hair wet or using too much force.
If you start implementing these 10 simple hair care tips, your hair will be a lot happier! And don’t forget healthy nutrient diet and food supplements for hair, but that’s a topic for another time. Take care of your hair correctly, and you’ll see some great improvements. Next, read our blog post comparing Cotton vs Silk Pillowcases.